Dysnix anniversary: has grown almost twice over the year.

Dysnix anniversary: has grown almost twice over the year.

min read
Daniel Yavorovych
October 30, 2020

Last year, we started several large projects that we are continuing to develop further.

Our key focus is to share maximum expertise with in-house teams as well as deal with any headaches about the DevOps part, thus allowing our clients to focus on the business and/or product development.

We collaborate with enterprises as well as leading startups, whom we help at the stage strong-scaling stage. Speed and flexibility are very crucial while working on these kinds of projects. We ensure these criteria through the interchangeability of Dysnix engineers and the lightning-fast response time of our technical team.

It was speed ​​that played a key role for one of our clients - Matterlabs. Their solution was developed within a few days and implemented just within two weeks.

Thanks to the speed of our teamwork, the highly-secured product zkSync that was ready for high-speed scaling could enter the financial market in the shortest time possible. Currently, we are continuing to support this project.

Dysnix Anniversary: has grown almost twice over the year.

Although Dysnix is ​​a relatively young company, our team pays lots of attention to setting up and improving business processes so that we can efficiently implement projects at a high level.

We are starting our new year with more passion, expanded opportunities for further development, and an even stronger team. The company has enhanced its technical unit comprising only senior engineers and project managers. Our CEO is a charismatic person who is a specialist with more than ten years of experience in management and communications. She took this position in the summer of 2020.

Since she joined the company, we've begun to cultivate the Customer Development direction more actively. Just a few months later, Dysnix appeared in ranking on - the largest international rating platform for outsourcing companies. In October 2020, Dysnix was listed as one of the Top 10 Ukrainian IT Consulting Companies.

Dysnix Anniversary: has grown almost twice over the year.

We are very grateful to our clients that they continue developing high-tech projects during such a difficult time and for their trust in our team. We know how sensitive the issues related to a project's infrastructure are for many businesses, and we are very proud that successful companies consider us reliable partners in this area.

As a little gift for our partners and friends, we are preparing our recommendations on how to protect a business against cyber attacks; this is because they have become a challenge for many companies. You will be able to read this on our blog very soon.

Stay tuned!

Daniel Yavorovych
CTO and Co-founder at Dysnix
Brainpower and problem-solver, meditating and mountain hiking.
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