Blockchain infrastructure for AI projects

Tailor-made, secure blockchain infrastructure to power your AI-centric Web3 projects, optimized for efficiency and growth.
Predictive AI autoscaler for any Web2/Web3 project with a proactive reaction to traffic patterns. Created by Dysnix, implemented in 10+ blockchain projects like PancakeSwap.
Implement an AI for predictive autoscaling feature
Create a solution to the overprovision problem and guarantee the availability
Make an autoscaler customizable for any project
Created and trained the AI model that makes scaling decisions on both historical and business metrics data
Made a seamless connection with the resources, native environment, and project infrastructure
Customized an AI model as a Kubernetes-based product

We assist you in overcoming common challenges faced by AI dApps

High Infrastructure Costs
Reduce your operational costs by up to 70%
Accelerate your AI algorithms with high-performance infra, minimizing latency for real-time data processing.
Minimize downtime with high-available nodes, ensuring continuous operation and reliability
Fragmented Network Management
Consolidate network management with unified tools that provide centralized control over both AI and blockchain ops

Any chains supported, including custom ones

If you require a custom chain or one not listed, reach out to us for a special deal
BNB Chain

Client testimonials: proof of Dysnix’s effectiveness

Dmytro Haidashenko
CTO, Rarify
See on Clutch
Dysnix has delivered a well-structured infrastructure that allows the company to deploy their apps in Kubernetes by themselves. The team thoroughly follows the given workflow and pipeline of tasks, leading to an efficient process. Their responsible attitude to work and proactivity was commendable.
Alex Momot
Founder & CEO, Remme
See on Clutch
Dysnix provided a team of Blockchain experts that was always available to assist the client. They finished a product that presented new features in the company's crypto-asset exchange. As a result, the company now considers their deep involvement as an extension of their own team.
Evgeny Medvedev
Chief Solutions Architect,
See on Clutch
Dysnix has delivered a functional, operational, fail-safe, and reliable Ronin blockchain validator node, thanks to their strong understanding of the client's requirements and policies. They are receptive to client input and feedback and are eager to accommodate requests and changes to the scope.
Alex Gluchowski
CEO, Matter Labs
See on Clutch
Dysnix contributed to the successful release of the company's product. They performed a custom auto-scaling solution to reduce the project's costs. The company now has the opportunity to earn a higher income and at the same time increase its likeability with speed and security as main offers.
Roman Cherednik
CTO, Financial Services Company
See on Clutch
Thanks to the efforts of the Dysnix team, the company was able to attract the attention of the general public. The currency is stable while maintaining the necessary flexibility with the support of experts in the industry. The team has proven itself to be a reliable long-term partner.
Dmytro Haidashenko
CTO, Shelf.Network
See on Clutch
In the first stage of their optimization plan alone, Dysnix managed to reduce infrastructure costs by 25%. They provide remarkable response times, which allows them to react to unforeseen situations. This makes them ideal for handling urgent tasks.
Roman Cherednik
CTO, Financial Services Company
See on Clutch
With Dysnix's relentless support, the company was able to adopt excellent security methods and develop exceptional server architecture. The team is responsible, talented, and diligent. Customers can expect a team who will exhaust all possibilities to achieve their goals.
Daniel Walker
CTO, Whispli
See on Clutch
Dysnix has helped the client in putting together a PoC. The client has around 30 stable and failover production environments and an easy-to-manage IaC. As a result, they are positioned as the only provider in the industry that can support multiple cloud technologies and single tenancy deployments.
Eli Osherovich
CTO & Co-Founder, Wand.AI
See on Clutch
Based on the client's requirements, Dysnix has built and implemented a reliable, flexible, and fail-safe architecture. The product will soon be launched, and the team continues to support and maintain the infrastructure. The communicative team understands the client's needs and meets expectations.
Knuth Rüffer
CEO, Scalors GmbH
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Thanks to Dysnix's efforts, they have built the defined development environments well. As a result, the client is able to expand their team and manage three projects successfully. They have provided solutions for issues effectively and simple answers to all inquiries. They have worked perfectly.
Eugene Fine
CTO, ExplORer Surgical Corp.
See on Clutch
Dysnix has developed a strong collaboration. Their team worked to implement the project and trained the in-house team. The management was very effective and their expertise was great.
Pavel Sher
CEO & Founder, NimbusWeb
See on Clutch
While the work is ongoing, the engagement thus far satisfies the client. The Dysnix team is able to understand and solve complex issues, which allows the company to resolve critical technical problems. They are communicative, trustworthy, and dedicated.
Denys Kravchenko
CTO, AdCel
See on Clutch
Dysinx is a great partner for the marketing technology company. The team is always immediately involved in solving problems. They are very attentive and quick to respond, providing several variants and tools as solutions.
Guy Gani
R&D Director, Techona
See on Clutch
The final solution was a reproducible, secure, and auto-scalable infrastructure for the company's gaming platform. Dysnix accomplished exactly what was required. A skilled team of experts, they functioned as a part of the in-house team and communicated the project's progress consistently.
Erin Driggers
Head of Cloud Engineering, Splice Machine
See on Clutch
The Dysnix did a good job of evaluating the resources they recommended for this engagement. They were knowledgeable, hard-working, skilled, and personable, meeting the client's expectations. Communication between both sides was quite smooth as well.
Eugene Fine
CTO, ExplORer Surgical Corp.
See on Clutch
The members continue to work collaboratively in order to generate a more secure infrastructure that is safer from vulnerabilities. Dysnix offers an utter understanding of the project coupled with impeccable field expertise. The client looks forward to achieving more project goals with them.

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FAQs: Everything regarding Dysnix node infrastructure solutions for AI

What are AI blockchain infrastructure solutions?

AI blockchain infrastructure solutions combine the strengths of both these technologies. Blockchain provides a secure and transparent platform for data storage and sharing, while AI algorithms can analyze this data to improve efficiency, security, and decision-making. And these roles are not limited to the described variants! 

For example, companies like Nuklai are building blockchains specifically designed to provide high-quality data for training AI models, while others like Ocean Protocol are using blockchain to create secure data marketplaces where users can buy and sell data for AI development. PredictKube uses AI for predictive, right-on-time scaling of blockchain nodes. This synergy is unlocking a new wave of innovation in areas like healthcare, supply chain management, and even the development of trustworthy autonomous systems.

How does AI enhance blockchain infrastructure?

AI enhances blockchain infrastructure by:

  • Enhanced security: AI can continuously analyze blockchain activity for suspicious patterns, flagging potential fraud attempts and improving overall network resilience. (e.g., startups like Anomalyze)
  • Improved scalability: AI can optimize resource allocation within a blockchain, enabling faster transaction processing and handling increased network traffic. (e.g., startups like PredictKube)
  • Smarter automation: AI can automate tasks like identity verification and smart contract execution, streamlining operations and reducing human error.

What are the key applications of AI blockchain infrastructure solutions?

Here are some key applications of AI blockchain infrastructure solutions you might find interesting:

  • Supply chain management: Tracking goods and ensuring provenance (e.g., Walmart’s Food Trust)
  • Fraud detection: Identifying and preventing fraudulent activities (e.g., startups like Evernym)
  • Regulatory compliance: Streamlining compliance processes (e.g., KYC/AML automation)
  • Healthcare: Securely managing medical data and enabling data-driven research (e.g., healthcare data marketplaces)
  • Voting Systems: Enhancing the security and transparency of elections (e.g., blockchain startup Voatz).

What are the benefits of integrating AI with blockchain?

This combination is transforming industries by building trust, transparency, and efficiency into core functionalities. AI can analyze the vast amount of secure data stored on blockchains, like transactions or supply chain logs, to identify patterns and optimize processes. This can enhance security with AI-powered anomaly detection (e.g., Anomalyze), improve efficiency through automated tasks (e.g., smart contract execution), and give valuable insights for better decision-making. 

For instance, AI can analyze medical data on a secure blockchain to support research without compromising patient privacy (e.g., IOTA).

What challenges are associated with AI blockchain infrastructure solutions?

They all are connected with ethics, bandwidth, and a tendency for complexity issues. Scalability remains an issue, as complex AI algorithms can strain blockchain networks. Data privacy is another challenge, as balancing transparency with user privacy for AI training requires careful design. Regulatory frameworks are also evolving to address these new technologies, and ensuring compliance adds complexity. But ongoing research and blooming interest from the investor community are the great promise of the blockchain and AI’s happy marriage, just keep it up! 

How are AI blockchain solutions used in financial services?

In financial services, AI blockchain solutions are used for:

  • Enhanced fraud detection: AI algorithms can identify anomalies and suspicious patterns, helping prevent fraud attempts. 
  • Streamlined Know-Your-Customer (KYC): AI can automate identity verification and customer onboarding procedures, making them faster and more efficient.
  • Personalized financial products: AI can help financial institutions offer more tailored financial products and services.
  • Automated risk management: AI can analyze financial data to assess risk profiles and automate loan approvals or insurance underwriting decisions.
  • Improved trade finance: Blockchain can securely track the movement of goods and assets, while AI can analyze trade data to identify potential risks and optimize trade finance processes.

Can AI blockchain infrastructure solutions be applied to supply chain management?

Beyond tracking and provenance, AI can analyze data to optimize delivery routes, predict demand fluctuations, and even automate tasks like inventory management. For instance, IBM's Food Trust uses blockchain to track food products throughout the supply chain, while AI can analyze this data to identify potential contamination sources and ensure faster recall responses. This integration fosters efficiency, cost reduction, and improved food safety across the supply chain.

What role does AI play in smart contract management?

AI is becoming the secret weapon for smart contracts, making them sharper and smoother. Imagine an AI assistant helping with your contracts! It can scan contract details to find potential issues before they cause headaches, saving you time and grief during the drafting and review process. Plus, it can act like a super-powered watchdog, keeping an eye on how the contract is running and even triggering actions automatically when needed. 

While it's still early days, companies like Kira Systems are using AI to analyze legal documents, paving the way for a future where smart contracts are as dependable and easy to manage as your favorite app.