Blockchain Monitoring: Start Guide And Common Mistakes

Blockchain Monitoring: Start Guide And Common Mistakes

Olha Diachuk
May 3, 2024

Blockchain has become another fully digital data layer of our existence, and to know what happens there, we can’t use real-world senses like noses or touches. We need applications and solutions that help us see and feel what’s going on in the network, act properly, and reach our goals. 

Blockchain monitoring is exactly about being with eyes widely open inside blockchain networks. As the early adoption stage is over, even Web3 newcomers understand that without data about their network and connected projects, they risk everything they have. So buckle up, and let’s look closely at multifaceted node monitoring.

What is blockchain monitoring?

The most general and simple definition is right here.

Blockchain monitoring is the process of collecting, analyzing, and visualizing blockchain data.

As data is the walls, ceiling, light, and air of the blockchain house, monitoring can concentrate on different aspects of it. Thus, the variety of applications created shades of meaning of the main definition that we should also explain.

Different aspects of the chain tracking

  • The technical aspect describes blockchain monitoring as an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load data) process that helps to track and analyze thousands of blockchain events that happen every millisecond. 
  • The security aspect depicts monitoring as a part of guarding functionality. During the uptime monitoring, it can mention any vulnerabilities or suspicious behavior, and send notifications to chain participants to react.
  • From the business perspective, chain tracking is all about finding opportunities to maximize the value and minimize the expenses associated with smart contracts, blockchain applications, and infrastructure. Tons of various services are hiding in this category. 
  • At the simplest level, the user wants to utilize monitoring as a status page, an interface, for informing of what’s happening inside the blockchain and how their digital assets are doing there. It’s more like the visualization side of the meaning.

How it works and how it looks like for a user

The structure consists of the following layers:

  1. Data layer: Everything starts with setting up raw on-chain and off-chain data pipelines (as blockchain doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and we might be particularly interested in data from connected non-chain applications, or data from other chains). Custom tracking systems can add any source of data in this step.
  2. Processing and analysis layer: The collected data get normalized (put in order and correctly formatted in the single database) and prepared for presentation depending on the purposes of monitoring. This is where transaction and smart contract analysis, chain health check, and fixing of other kinds of events happen. The notifications and alerts are coming from this layer, being pre-described as sets of signs, algorithms, or triggers.
  3. Interface layer: Here’s what the end user typically sees: dashboards and reports, where they can filter and change the view of the processed data.
The example of a custom monitoring dashboard created by Dysnix

In the core, node tracking is still the same as in any business or marketing sphere—you have to carefully collect data, make it appropriate to analyze, process it, and present the results to the human in the best way possible to make decisions and take action.

Applications of blockchain monitoring across industries

Domain of application

Role of blockchain monitoring

Financial services (Traditional & Crypto)

Helps track transactions, ensure compliance (AML/KYC), and identify fraud.

Supply chain management

Tracks goods movement, identifies bottlenecks, and verifies product authenticity.

Voting systems

Ensures transparency, immutability, and auditability of votes


Tracks medical records securely and ensures patient data privacy

The non-trivial problems solved by blockchain monitoring

Prevention of security threats. The tracking system can prevent a crisis by launching the appropriate scenario that minimizes the possible harm. 

to Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) standards. Your tracking helps you flag and report suspicious activity that might be linked to financial crimes.

Inefficient scaling.
With the help of monitoring, predictive autoscaling tools like PredictKube can scale in advance to ensure efficient operations and smooth functioning of blockchain-based apps based on on-chain and off-chain data.

High digital trading competition. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure—and one of the main purposes of monitoring is to find those gemstones of opportunities for maximizing profits. 

Data integrity problem
: In a trustless environment, monitoring can be the best way to verify on-chain data, building trust and confidence in the entire blockchain ecosystem.

Why is blockchain node monitoring important for network participators?

Making the whole boiling soup of blockchain data ordered and possible to understand is one of the key goals of monitoring. As a part of the necessary governance, the tracking system serves and participates in the management of the network according to all events and details it mentions. It’s a way participants are involved in the network—if my activity reflects in monitoring, then I’m a part of the system, and we’re all together doing well. And on the other hand, if something goes off, then monitoring is a guardian that should spot it.

Instead of the summary: Tools to try

You may feel a little dizzy about all the tracking peculiarities, but another way to make things through is to meet the representatives of each type of tracking. Discover offers of these guys to dive deeper into the context of blockchain analysis and tracking.


Sphere of application

Monitoring tool

Financial compliance

AML/KYC compliance, fraud detection

Chainalysis Reactor

Financial services

Compliance monitoring, risk assessment

Elliptic Compliance

General blockchain

Market analysis, network health

Glassnode Studio

Data analysis, smart contract tracking


Data querying, market research

Dune Analytics

Enterprise blockchain

Supply chain tracking, business process monitoring



Investor behavior analysis, wallet tracking


Transaction tracking, wallet monitoring Explorer

On-chain data analysis, market sentiment

Coin Metrics

Decentralized finance

Liquidity pool tracking, yield farming stats

DeFi Pulse

We also invite you to take a closer look at our cases, as Dysnix sets up custom tracking for almost every project we’re involved in. Nansen is one of the brightest examples of our work in this sphere.

For more talks, meet us here, in our Web3 chatting lounge, or just drop us a line. We’re always glad to help.

And thank you for reading 🙂

Olha Diachuk
Writer at Dysnix
10+ years in tech writing. Trained researcher and tech enthusiast.
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