High-frequency trading (HFT) has long been labeled the ugly duckling of the financial world. “It’s unclear and unfair,” critics cry. “The margins are razor-thin, and the security is shaky at best.” But hold on—many of these claims come from those who’ve barely scratched the surface of what HFT is.
At Dysnix, we’ve spent years crafting robust infrastructures for industries that demand nothing less than perfection, including blockchain and finance. So, if you’re curious about what powers HFT, let us share a trick or two about its underlayer.
The general flow of HFT
The trading flow for those who want to buy and sell in nanoseconds hasn’t changed from centuries ago, wasting years for a single successful trade. It’s all the same in a core:
The distinctive feature of HFT is that all of these actions are based on ultra-low-latency networks and high-speed data transmission and analysis. The trading platform's algorithms are improving and self-educating for more efficient actions, and overflowing market data pools are oceans that can be crossed within nanoseconds.
HFT companies are new F1 racing that bring more adrenaline to the players and audience, demonstrating billions of trades in a blink of an eye.
So, how does HFT work?
It uses algorithms to execute thousands of trades in milliseconds, profiting from diminutive price differences. It thrives in markets where speed is critical, like stocks, crypto, and commodities.
When we say small price differences, we mean even the most minor discrepancies. Margins are microscopic—but that’s the point. HFT doesn’t rely on big wins; it thrives on consistent, incremental gains over millions of trades. Think of it like mining cryptocurrency: individually, each mined block isn’t much, but scale it across a mining farm, and suddenly, you’re swimming in profit.
Here’s a real-world analogy from the blockchain: ever notice how validators on a proof-of-stake chain like Ethereum have rewarded fractions of ETH per block? They’re not chasing a jackpot but building wealth one block at a time. HFT traders operate on the same principle.
BTW, blockchain is a sweet home for HFT
Crypto never sleeps, creating constant arbitrage opportunities so that no environment except blockchains would cover such intensity of signals.
The “physics” of crypto’s notorious price enables traders to profit from even minor inefficiencies. And to fail, of course.
HFT companies can trade across borders without centralized intermediaries slowing them down—all features of the free market in a nutshell.
Blockchain’s immutable ledger is mirrored in HFT with event-driven logging systems that track every millisecond-level trade.
The same AI/ML algorithms we use to predict blockchain throughput can optimize HFT’s trade decisions.
Ultrafast infrastructure for HFT
The HFT systems are trying to conquer the speed of light implementing shortest tick-to-trade pipelines. Here’s an example.
If Exchange A releases a price update at 10:00:00.001000 (1 millisecond past 10:00), an ultrafast system might receive, process, and execute a trade by 10:00:00.001500 (within 0.5 milliseconds). A slower system, even lagging by 1 millisecond, misses the opportunity.
HFT can be applied by hedge funds, proprietary trading firms, and crypto traders globally. And they can do that successfully thanks to their infrastructure features like:
Co-located servers: Housed directly in exchange data centers to minimize physical distance (because even light has travel time!).
Custom firmware: FPGA cards accelerating data processing to nanoseconds. For example, a specialized FPGA-based system processes raw tick data via Ethernet, bypasses operating system layers, and directly computes actionable decisions in microseconds. This ensures trades are executed before competitors relying on traditional software-based systems.
These tiny FPGA boards are the engines of ultra-speed trading. No advertising here!
Low-latency networks: Dedicated fiber optics and low-latency switches that shave milliseconds off every hop.
HFT infrastructures leverage custom network interface cards (NICs) capable of bypassing traditional CPU processing. Techniques like UDP offloading directly decode incoming packets, such as order books or trades, into actionable data streams processed by trading logic embedded in hardware.
Algorithmic trading software: Complex algorithms analyze market data in real-time to identify profitable opportunities.
Risk management systems: Automated tools manage exposure and compliance, reducing risks from rapid market changes.
Direct market access: Real-time data feeds via APIs allow traders to act on price changes instantly.
Efficient market data processing involves transforming high-throughput financial feeds into actionable signals. For instance, hardware accelerators such as FPGAs decode protocols like FAST (used by exchanges for real-time data) in parallel, avoiding OS-induced latency spikes.
Traders co-locate servers near exchanges to minimize latency, ensuring faster order execution. Key locations include financial hubs like New York, London, and Hong Kong. While controversial for potentially increasing market volatility, HFT boosts liquidity and narrows bid-ask spreads.
Let’s go behind the curtains of this flow to see what kind of high-frequency trading network architecture makes the best HFT.
Things that make a difference in HFT
So you see, we need a fast, highly reliable, always available, data-flashing custom engine. What hides inside the high-frequency trading infrastructure that makes it so unique?
On-the-go risk checks within FPGA architectures are critical. Using preprogrammed logic blocks, these systems evaluate trade sizes, portfolio limits, and market exposure in real-time without delaying order execution. This ensures regulatory compliance and safeguards against excessive losses.
Ultra-low-latency describes the total delay from when a market event occurs to when a trader’s system reacts to it, usually measured in microseconds. It consists of:
Network latency is the time market data travels from an exchange to the trader’s servers.
Processing latency is the time required for algorithms to process the data and make a decision.
Order transmission latency of sending an order back to the exchange.
To achieve nanosecond-level latency, modern systems optimize data paths using pipelined designs in FPGAs, where each stage handles specific computational tasks without waiting for others. For instance, in one implementation, pipelined operations calculate correlation matrices and eigenvalues (eigenvalues are used to identify correlations or patterns in financial data) for portfolio analysis.
Once computations identify opportunities, execution strategies like arbitrage or momentum trading are executed. These strategies, programmed directly into FPGA logic, can be pre-tested against historical data to minimize execution risk while ensuring ultrafast order placements.
So that’s what we fight with. Pretty neat.
All trading will be HFT… sooner or later
We believe that such powerful infrastructures aren’t for “chosen ones.” Even solo traders are powering their strategies with HFT techniques, and it’s because technical and algorithmic creativity still leaves plenty of space for investigations and inventions. We’ll be glad if you invite Dysnix to participate in your HFT story.
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