Today we decided to take you behind the scenes of our work on MEV-related projects. The flow of communication, development, and implementation of blockchain solutions stays almost the same from one project to another.
Get acquainted with the classic roadmap that we implement on the example of a no-name project.
No roadmap without research: R&D in the MEV domain
Let’s suppose you’ve reached us with an absolutely raw blockchain product but with serious ambitions. As it’s traditional for MEV, you want it to be a game-changer tool that maintains the most valuable transactions for a new block with the highest MEV (maximal extractable value).
The first thing we offer to you would be a deep technical analysis to offer a core competitive advantage for the project. Even if we’re invited only to create an infrastructure, the Dysnix team typically goes beyond the basic request to create as much additional value as possible. Our research helps us point out the challenges and problems that the project has now or may have in the future.
For example, a whole range of issues can be avoided by the design of infrastructure—instead of being dependent on third-party providers, we can make your infra comprehensive as a self-hosted blockchain structure.
Main blockchain principles aligned with a self-hosted infrastructure
To complete the task you give us, we present the following components.
To provide the fastest and most seamless data exchange, let’s connect all the body parts of the solution to reliable RPC providers. The RPC Fast can be the best-fit RPC provider for this project, guaranteeing the shortest possible response time.
To make the quickest and the most correct decisions regarding which most profitable TXs should be included in the following block, let’s use a simulating tool for spam filtration and modeling competition with other searchers based on the current mempool, and other available data, using a custom solution named Transaction Simulator.
Features of TX Simulator by RPC Fast
These components should be integrated together as they are enhancing each other to bring the best results for the project.
Complementary DevOps services
It’s a classical play Dysnix acts in for years: we deploy cloud infrastructure, serve and maintain blockchain nodes, and build up CI/CD, monitoring, and security for the project.
While providing the DevOps services, we offered to make the Transaction Simulator part self-hosted to reach the best quality of security, performance speed, and availability. We deployed Transaction Simulator in the project’s environment and adapted it to three leading blockchains: Ethereum, BNB chain, and Polygon, by implementing the custom blockchain nodes. Thus, this project got the ability to simulate any transactions circulating in these blockchains faster than any competitors.
In terms of specific numbers, the simulation might take up to 1-2 milliseconds which is an overwhelmingly short time.
This is almost a technical limit for this operation, as no provider can answer faster than the speed of light.
Thus, we create an infrastructure and fill it up with bespoke solutions specially fitted for the project’s needs. The most pleasant part is that these innovations make the whole project viable and turn the hypothesis into a profitable business.
Roadmap for the MEV-oriented project at Dysnix
Requirements collection and modeling of the new architecture We review the current state of the existing infrastructure (if there’s any) and, together with the development team of the project, create an architecture for a new product. We map the whole product, including each internal and external connection, and recompile it as a high-available, secure, scalable, and fast infrastructure. Another thing we keep in mind is to make this infrastructure cost-efficient, as the project shouldn’t waste resources from the beginning of existence settling this approach as a rule for all the following times.
Creation of the server infrastructure We create an infrastructure for the product based on the requirements and architecture model we build in the previous stage.
Preparation of the hardware part We help to select the suitable server types and prepare our part of the work for installing them in the data center.
Basic infrastructure deployment For a quick and convenient way to deploy the basic infrastructure, we used Kubernetes and k3s, in particular. You can also use a better hardware switch to make internal communication even faster.
Creation of the server infrastructure We can deploy any nodes you need.
Then we add more spice to our Kubernetes bowl if needed:
● Ingress (Istio)
● RabbitMQ server
● Redis
● Prometheus Monitoring
● Loki Logging
● Other apps
Consulting sessions
To ensure that there are no other unrevealed problems to be solved on the project’s side, we initiate a series of calls to learn more about the outcomes of implementation and current challenges. During these sessions, we discover the need for quick and cost-efficient (let’s say, even cheap) transaction simulation that would make the product profitable in any load circumstances.
Development and deployment of Transaction Simulator
We integrate a solution, in this case—a Transaction Simulator—into the node; it’s basically a fork of a repository with the source code of the main blockchain.
Brushing of integration and support
We continuously improve the project’s product and support their existing infrastructure.
Will your project be the next?
That’s it basically. When the whole team works to keep things running smoothly and transparently, even the most challenging projects proceed smoothly.
Each custom solution created by Dynsix is based on two pillars:
The nonlinear experience of dealing with complex challenges that helps us invent new things using our skills.
And being fearless in asking questions and revealing new challenges to overcome.
We know that sincere interest in the future of the product is not common in the world of short-termed relationships between clients and service providers. But we’re interested in bringing visible changes to the projects we stumble upon and staying with your team while you need us.
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