DePin Development and Infrastructure Services

Design your DePin project to operate at high speed, facilitating swift market entry and superior performance.

We guide you through the challenges of DePIN development

Full Cycle Development
Utilize our complete range of blockchain development services, from planning to implementation.
Custom Infrastructure
Benefit from our tailor-made infra solutions that ensure scalability and security for DePIN projects.
Instant Data Refresh
Achieve millisecond data updates with continuous blockchain parsing
Customized data solutions
We fine-tune each solution to fit your project’s current goals.

All chains supported, even custom configurations.

Please let us know if you need to launch based on a custom chain or one that is missing from the list. We’ll make you a special offer.
BNB Chain

Explore recent feedback on our engineers' expertise.

Dmytro Haidashenko
CTO, Rarify
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Dysnix has delivered a well-structured infrastructure that allows the company to deploy their apps in Kubernetes by themselves. The team thoroughly follows the given workflow and pipeline of tasks, leading to an efficient process. Their responsible attitude to work and proactivity was commendable.
Alex Momot
Founder & CEO, Remme
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Dysnix provided a team of Blockchain experts that was always available to assist the client. They finished a product that presented new features in the company's crypto-asset exchange. As a result, the company now considers their deep involvement as an extension of their own team.
Evgeny Medvedev
Chief Solutions Architect,
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Dysnix has delivered a functional, operational, fail-safe, and reliable Ronin blockchain validator node, thanks to their strong understanding of the client's requirements and policies. They are receptive to client input and feedback and are eager to accommodate requests and changes to the scope.
Alex Gluchowski
CEO, Matter Labs
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Dysnix contributed to the successful release of the company's product. They performed a custom auto-scaling solution to reduce the project's costs. The company now has the opportunity to earn a higher income and at the same time increase its likeability with speed and security as main offers.
Roman Cherednik
CTO, Financial Services Company
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Thanks to the efforts of the Dysnix team, the company was able to attract the attention of the general public. The currency is stable while maintaining the necessary flexibility with the support of experts in the industry. The team has proven itself to be a reliable long-term partner.
Dmytro Haidashenko
CTO, Shelf.Network
See on Clutch
In the first stage of their optimization plan alone, Dysnix managed to reduce infrastructure costs by 25%. They provide remarkable response times, which allows them to react to unforeseen situations. This makes them ideal for handling urgent tasks.
Roman Cherednik
CTO, Financial Services Company
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With Dysnix's relentless support, the company was able to adopt excellent security methods and develop exceptional server architecture. The team is responsible, talented, and diligent. Customers can expect a team who will exhaust all possibilities to achieve their goals.
Daniel Walker
CTO, Whispli
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Dysnix has helped the client in putting together a PoC. The client has around 30 stable and failover production environments and an easy-to-manage IaC. As a result, they are positioned as the only provider in the industry that can support multiple cloud technologies and single tenancy deployments.
Eli Osherovich
CTO & Co-Founder, Wand.AI
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Based on the client's requirements, Dysnix has built and implemented a reliable, flexible, and fail-safe architecture. The product will soon be launched, and the team continues to support and maintain the infrastructure. The communicative team understands the client's needs and meets expectations.
Knuth Rüffer
CEO, Scalors GmbH
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Thanks to Dysnix's efforts, they have built the defined development environments well. As a result, the client is able to expand their team and manage three projects successfully. They have provided solutions for issues effectively and simple answers to all inquiries. They have worked perfectly.
Eugene Fine
CTO, ExplORer Surgical Corp.
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Dysnix has developed a strong collaboration. Their team worked to implement the project and trained the in-house team. The management was very effective and their expertise was great.
Pavel Sher
CEO & Founder, NimbusWeb
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While the work is ongoing, the engagement thus far satisfies the client. The Dysnix team is able to understand and solve complex issues, which allows the company to resolve critical technical problems. They are communicative, trustworthy, and dedicated.
Denys Kravchenko
CTO, AdCel
See on Clutch
Dysinx is a great partner for the marketing technology company. The team is always immediately involved in solving problems. They are very attentive and quick to respond, providing several variants and tools as solutions.
Guy Gani
R&D Director, Techona
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The final solution was a reproducible, secure, and auto-scalable infrastructure for the company's gaming platform. Dysnix accomplished exactly what was required. A skilled team of experts, they functioned as a part of the in-house team and communicated the project's progress consistently.
Erin Driggers
Head of Cloud Engineering, Splice Machine
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The Dysnix did a good job of evaluating the resources they recommended for this engagement. They were knowledgeable, hard-working, skilled, and personable, meeting the client's expectations. Communication between both sides was quite smooth as well.
Eugene Fine
CTO, ExplORer Surgical Corp.
See on Clutch
The members continue to work collaboratively in order to generate a more secure infrastructure that is safer from vulnerabilities. Dysnix offers an utter understanding of the project coupled with impeccable field expertise. The client looks forward to achieving more project goals with them.

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Your Questions Answered about Dysnix's DePIn Solutions

What are Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks on Blockchain?

Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks on Blockchain are systems of real-world infrastructure connected as decentralized networks where participants record everything related that happens inside and outside it, provide service, and get rewards for it. For example, to get an internet connection traditionally, you have to connect to the cellular network of a big provider. Or you can build up a DePIN network of servers that will do the same in your neighborhood, where each server owner can give you access in exchange for a small reward. This is how deleting the middleman providers improves the transparency and reliability of such systems.

How do Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks work?

Each DePIN requires both hardware and software parts harmonized: the technical part is where everything interacts with the real world, it also collects data to be stored in the blockchain; the software is responsible for interfaces, data processing, rewards decision and distribution, and security measures. Here are some examples of how DePIN works:

  • Imagine a DePIN for your neighborhood's electricity. Solar panels on houses could feed power into the grid, and homeowners would earn tokens for their contribution. This could incentivize renewable energy and make the grid more resilient.
  • DePINs could power car-sharing networks. People could rent out their unused cars, and the network would keep track of everything on the blockchain—secure and transparent.
  • DePINs could create a more democratic internet. Imagine a network of Wi-Fi hotspots, all powered by individuals who share their internet connection for rewards. This could bring affordable internet to everyone.

What are the benefits of using blockchain for DePIN?

Traditionally, managing physical networks relies on trust—trusting a company to keep things running smoothly and fairly. Blockchain cuts out the middleman, creating a secure and transparent system.

Remember our DePIN for the neighborhood solar grid example? With blockchain, every transaction—the power a house generates, the tokens earned—is recorded on a public ledger, like a giant, unchangeable receipt. This transparency builds trust. No more wondering if the big energy company is giving you a fair deal. Plus, the blockchain is super secure, thanks to cryptography. Hacking attempts are like trying to rob a bank guarded by each proactive brick of the bank. So, these benefits are impossible to reach for other traditional systems.

Can you give examples of DePIN on Blockchain?

Storage, Filecoin (FIL)
A well-established DePIN project, Filecoin offers a decentralized alternative to cloud storage giants. Users rent out spare storage space on their devices and earn FIL tokens in return.

Connectivity, Helium (HNT)
This project utilizes DePINs to build a decentralized wireless network for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. People can share their internet connection via special hotspots and earn HNT tokens to contribute to the network.

Energy, Bware (INFRA)
While still under development, Bware aims to be a comprehensive DePIN solution for decentralized infrastructure services. One potential application could be managing a community solar grid, where users with solar panels earn tokens for electricity contributed.

Sharing economy, WeRide (WRC)
This project focuses on creating a decentralized car-sharing marketplace. While not strictly DePIN-based, it explores blockchain technology to securely and transparently connect car owners and renters.

Potential projects, SpaceX Starlink
While not a blockchain project itself, SpaceX's Starlink constellation of internet satellites could potentially be integrated with DePINs in the future. Imagine a network of ground stations managed by DePINs, facilitating communication with Starlink satellites.

How does blockchain ensure the security of physical infrastructure networks?

Blockchain relies on cryptography, the same tech used for secure online transactions. Data is encrypted using complex algorithms, making it unreadable without a special key. In DePINs, this encrypts things like energy usage readings or car rental agreements. 

The network's extra protection is based on the fact that any changes must be verified by a majority of participants, making it nearly impossible to tamper with data without getting caught. This decentralized approach removes a single point of failure and makes the network more resistant to hacks.

Is DePIN scalable?

Scaling DePINs is a hot topic for blockchain engineers like us at Dysnix. While the concept is fantastic, traditional blockchains can struggle with a massive network. Think of it like a crowded highway—too much traffic, and things slow down. 

However, there are promising solutions like "Layer 2" protocols that act like express lanes, handling transactions efficiently without clogging the main blockchain. DePIN developers are actively exploring these options to ensure these networks can handle widespread adoption.

What challenges do Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks face?

  • Finding enough "DePINners": Imagine our solar panel neighborhood grid—convincing enough people to participate is crucial. DePINs need to make it attractive for individuals to contribute their physical resources.
  • Keeping it secure: While blockchain is strong, security is an ongoing battle. DePINs need robust systems to guard against cyberattacks and ensure the integrity of the network.
  • Scaling for the real world: As DePINs grow, managing a massive network with millions of devices can get tricky. DePIN developers need to find ways to handle this complexity efficiently.

How do Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks impact sustainability?

Imagine a network of charging stations powered by individuals, not big corporations. These stations could be anything from someone's home garage to a local business parking lot.

With DePINs and blockchain, these stations could securely track charging sessions and distribute tokens for the electricity provided. This could incentivize people to open up their unused outlets, leading to a more widespread and accessible charging network for electric vehicles. This, in turn, could accelerate the adoption of EVs and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels for transportation. 

So, DePINs could play a crucial role in creating a cleaner and more sustainable transportation future.