Happy holidays from Dysnix!

Happy holidays from Dysnix!

min read
Anastasiya Manina
December 21, 2020

2020 has become a year of trials and tribulations. We all have learned to work remotely in the most efficient way, to focus on the important and urgent things here and now. But the most important thing we have learned this year to value reliability, safety, and any opportunities for business development under any circumstances.

2020 has been both challenging and remarkable for our team. Dysnix - a special DevOps forces unit - has grown this year almost two-fold, and the number of long-term projects has reached 90%.

Moreover, this year Dysnix appeared in ranking on - the largest international rating platform for outsourcing companies. The Company was listed as one of the Top 5 Ukrainian IT Consulting Companies:

We are sincerely grateful to our clients and partners for the successful and cohesive collaboration, trust, and loyalty. We know how sensitive the issues related to a server infrastructure are for businesses, and we are proud that successful companies consider us reliable partners in this area.

Thanks for a great year, and we wish you all happiness, health, continuous success in Your business development, the inspiration for new achievements in the new year 2021.

Stay safe and healthy!

Have a Merry Christmas and a fabulous New Year!

Anastasiya Manina
Head of Marketing at Dysnix
It's a pleasure to bring good news!
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