TON Validator Nodes
for high-reward staking

100% secure, self-hosted nodes for high-value TON staking
Nansen Case Study
Blockchain analytics platform
Blockchain consulting and custom solutions
Secured Ronin Validator Nodes
Ronin archive nodes deployment
Deployment, support, and maintenance
Entirely secured Ronin Validators Nodes protected with sentry nodes with RPC features
Backups and snapshots installation, Infrastructure as code, Deployment as code
Node optimization, e.g., each archive node updates in 15 min instead of 3 hours
Monitoring in Grafana, regular check-ups, automatic updates

TON Validator Nodes by Dysnix: Problems You'll Never Face

Outdated nodes
Dysnix ensures your nodes are up-to-date, automatically and effortlessly.
Unsynced nodes
Our nodes guarantee consistent sync and rewards with stellar availability.
Cloud Provider Issues
Count on our nodes to stay online, with instant recovery from any cloud service interruptions.
3rd party access to validator nodes
Gain full control with our secure deployment guide, minimizing third-party access.
Dysnix ensures your revenue flow from transaction validation is continuous and maximized with our reliable auto-recovery.
Daniel Yavorovych
Co-Founder & CTO
Let blockchain infra experts fortify your TON validator nodes for peak efficiency and security

Validator nodes for any other chain, including custom ones

If you require a custom chain or one not listed, reach out to us for a special deal
BNB Chain

Gain insight into Dysnix's effectiveness through client testimonies

Dmytro Haidashenko
CTO, Rarify
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Dysnix has delivered a well-structured infrastructure that allows the company to deploy their apps in Kubernetes by themselves. The team thoroughly follows the given workflow and pipeline of tasks, leading to an efficient process. Their responsible attitude to work and proactivity was commendable.
Alex Momot
Founder & CEO, Remme
See on Clutch
Dysnix provided a team of Blockchain experts that was always available to assist the client. They finished a product that presented new features in the company's crypto-asset exchange. As a result, the company now considers their deep involvement as an extension of their own team.
Evgeny Medvedev
Chief Solutions Architect,
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Dysnix has delivered a functional, operational, fail-safe, and reliable Ronin blockchain validator node, thanks to their strong understanding of the client's requirements and policies. They are receptive to client input and feedback and are eager to accommodate requests and changes to the scope.
Alex Gluchowski
CEO, Matter Labs
See on Clutch
Dysnix contributed to the successful release of the company's product. They performed a custom auto-scaling solution to reduce the project's costs. The company now has the opportunity to earn a higher income and at the same time increase its likeability with speed and security as main offers.
Roman Cherednik
CTO, Financial Services Company
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Thanks to the efforts of the Dysnix team, the company was able to attract the attention of the general public. The currency is stable while maintaining the necessary flexibility with the support of experts in the industry. The team has proven itself to be a reliable long-term partner.
Dmytro Haidashenko
CTO, Shelf.Network
See on Clutch
In the first stage of their optimization plan alone, Dysnix managed to reduce infrastructure costs by 25%. They provide remarkable response times, which allows them to react to unforeseen situations. This makes them ideal for handling urgent tasks.
Roman Cherednik
CTO, Financial Services Company
See on Clutch
With Dysnix's relentless support, the company was able to adopt excellent security methods and develop exceptional server architecture. The team is responsible, talented, and diligent. Customers can expect a team who will exhaust all possibilities to achieve their goals.
Daniel Walker
CTO, Whispli
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Dysnix has helped the client in putting together a PoC. The client has around 30 stable and failover production environments and an easy-to-manage IaC. As a result, they are positioned as the only provider in the industry that can support multiple cloud technologies and single tenancy deployments.
Eli Osherovich
CTO & Co-Founder, Wand.AI
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Based on the client's requirements, Dysnix has built and implemented a reliable, flexible, and fail-safe architecture. The product will soon be launched, and the team continues to support and maintain the infrastructure. The communicative team understands the client's needs and meets expectations.
Knuth Rüffer
CEO, Scalors GmbH
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Thanks to Dysnix's efforts, they have built the defined development environments well. As a result, the client is able to expand their team and manage three projects successfully. They have provided solutions for issues effectively and simple answers to all inquiries. They have worked perfectly.
Eugene Fine
CTO, ExplORer Surgical Corp.
See on Clutch
Dysnix has developed a strong collaboration. Their team worked to implement the project and trained the in-house team. The management was very effective and their expertise was great.
Pavel Sher
CEO & Founder, NimbusWeb
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While the work is ongoing, the engagement thus far satisfies the client. The Dysnix team is able to understand and solve complex issues, which allows the company to resolve critical technical problems. They are communicative, trustworthy, and dedicated.
Denys Kravchenko
CTO, AdCel
See on Clutch
Dysinx is a great partner for the marketing technology company. The team is always immediately involved in solving problems. They are very attentive and quick to respond, providing several variants and tools as solutions.
Guy Gani
R&D Director, Techona
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The final solution was a reproducible, secure, and auto-scalable infrastructure for the company's gaming platform. Dysnix accomplished exactly what was required. A skilled team of experts, they functioned as a part of the in-house team and communicated the project's progress consistently.
Erin Driggers
Head of Cloud Engineering, Splice Machine
See on Clutch
The Dysnix did a good job of evaluating the resources they recommended for this engagement. They were knowledgeable, hard-working, skilled, and personable, meeting the client's expectations. Communication between both sides was quite smooth as well.
Eugene Fine
CTO, ExplORer Surgical Corp.
See on Clutch
The members continue to work collaboratively in order to generate a more secure infrastructure that is safer from vulnerabilities. Dysnix offers an utter understanding of the project coupled with impeccable field expertise. The client looks forward to achieving more project goals with them.

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Mastering TON Validator Nodes: Your Questions Answered

What is a TON Validator Node?

A TON Validator Node is a node that participates in the Telegram Open Network (TON) consensus mechanism. It validates transactions and contributes to the security and decentralization of the TON blockchain.

How does a TON Validator Node function?

TON Validator Nodes validate transactions, propose new blocks, and participate in the Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus mechanism to achieve agreement on the state of the TON blockchain.

What is the role of Validator Nodes in the TON consensus mechanism?

They are the guardians of the TON Blockchain. Validators keep things secure by:

  • Validating transactions: Making sure every transaction is legit and follows the rules.
  • Confirming transaction order: Ensuring transactions happen in the correct sequence.
  • Securing the blockchain: Maintaining the integrity of the entire network's history.

How can one become a TON Validator?

 Here's what it takes to join the ranks of TON validators:

  • Stake TON Crystal (TON): This is like putting down a deposit. It shows the network you're committed and incentivizes good behavior.
  • Run a Validator Node: You'll need a computer with some muscle (CPU, RAM, SSD) and a reliable internet connection.
  • Technical Know-How: Be comfortable with software and system maintenance.

Or you can just ask Dysnix to deploy and run a TON Validator for you. Contact us for more details.

What are the requirements to run a TON Validator Node?

Here's a breakdown of the technical requirements to run a TON Validator Node:

  • Minimum stake: 300,000 TON Crystal (TON).
  • CPU: The minimum number of vCPUs (virtual CPUs) is 8. The more, the better.
  • Memory (RAM): 64 GB minimum. Peak load will surely request much more.
  • Storage: 1 TB SSD minimum. 
  • Bandwidth: 1 Gbps internet connection minimum. 
  • Fixed IP Address: A static IP address is recommended for validator nodes.
  • TON Node software: Install and run the official TON Node software.
  • Operating system: Use various Linux distributions like Ubuntu or CentOS.
  • Security: Implement strong security measures like firewalls, regular software updates, and secure key management practices.
  • Monitoring: Check your node's performance and health to avoid downtime or penalties.
  • Uptime management: The network may penalize validators for extended periods of inactivity.

What are the risks associated with running a TON Validator Node?

Risks are the same as for all validator nodes. They may include potential penalties for malicious or incorrect behavior, staked TON Crystal's value volatility, and technical challenges in maintaining a secure and reliable node.

How are rewards distributed to TON Validators?

There's potential for sweet rewards for keeping the TON network humming:

  • Newly minted TON Crystal: As a validator, you might get a share of the new TON created.
  • Transaction fees: Every transaction comes with a small fee, and a portion might go to validators.

Remember, rewards depend on factors like the amount of TON you stake and how well your node performs.

Can TON Validators be replaced or removed?

Let's see how your TON Validator can be taken out of the picture:

  • Misbehaving?Go to Validator Jail!
    If you’re trying to sneak in fraudulent transactions or disrupt the network, slashing is what you’ll get—losing a chunk of their staked TON Crystal. If the case is serious enough, you might even get booted from the validator set altogether.
  • Sleeping and lazy node? Get the snooze penalty: Validators are expected to be active participants. A node going offline for extended periods can incur slashing penalties. Persistent inactivity could lead to removal from the validator ranks.

Everything is quite serious, but until you’re active and polite—everything will be OK.

How do TON Validator Nodes contribute to network security?

TON Validator Nodes function like a distributed security force, working in tandem to safeguard the TON blockchain. At the core lies the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus mechanism. This robust system ensures validators agree on the validity of transactions, even if some nodes are compromised or offline. Think of it as a multi-step verification process where validators act as checkpoints, only allowing legitimate transactions to pass through.

Furthermore, TON incentivizes honest participation through a staking mechanism. Validators must hold a significant amount of TON Crystal, acting as collateral. Any attempt to tamper with the network or validate fraudulent transactions results in a penalty—losing their staked TON. This financial stake discourages malicious behavior and aligns validator interests with the overall health of the TON blockchain.

Is running a TON Validator Node profitable?

There's potential to earn rewards as a TON validator, but it's not a guaranteed path to riches. Let's weigh the pros and cons:

  • Earning your share: Validator rewards come from two sources: a portion of newly minted TON and transaction fees. The more TON you stake and the better your node performs, the higher your potential rewards.
  • The downside of downtime: Penalties can quickly eat into your profits if your node isn't running smoothly.
  • The cost of security: Running a high-performance validator node requires investment in hardware, software, and technical expertise. There are ongoing operational costs to consider as well.

Delegate downtime and security worries to us and forget about them, so you can enjoy the positive benefits of being a TON validator. Contact Dysnix engineers for more details.