Solana Validator Nodes
for Enterprise-Grade Staking

100% secure, premium SOL nodes engineered by the Web3 Experts
Nansen Case Study
Blockchain analytics platform
Blockchain consulting and custom solutions
Secured Ronin Validator Nodes
Ronin archive nodes deployment
Deployment, support, and maintenance
Entirely secured Ronin Validators Nodes protected with sentry nodes with RPC features
Backups and snapshots installation, Infrastructure as code, Deployment as code
Node optimization, e.g., each archive node updates in 15 min instead of 3 hours
Monitoring in Grafana, regular check-ups, automatic updates

Issues avoided with Dysnix Solana validator nodes

Outdated nodes
Your self-hosted nodes will always stay up-to-date
Unsynced nodes
Experience 99.99% uptime, ensuring every transaction is processed and rewarded
Cloud Provider Issues
Our auto-recovery system ensures minimal downtime for your validator node after any cloud disruptions
3rd party access to validator nodes
Our configuration guarantees that your nodes are deployed with maximum access restrictions
Our auto-recovery ensures that your revenue from transaction validation remains stable and maximized
Daniel Yavorovych
Co-Founder & CTO
Choose the knowledge and experience of Web3 Experts for your Solana validator nodes

Support for All Blockchain Networks, Including Custom Chains

If you need to launch using a custom chain or one not listed, contact us for a special offer.
BNB Chain

Find out what clients are saying about the impact of Dysnix

Dmytro Haidashenko
CTO, Rarify
See on Clutch
Dysnix has delivered a well-structured infrastructure that allows the company to deploy their apps in Kubernetes by themselves. The team thoroughly follows the given workflow and pipeline of tasks, leading to an efficient process. Their responsible attitude to work and proactivity was commendable.
Alex Momot
Founder & CEO, Remme
See on Clutch
Dysnix provided a team of Blockchain experts that was always available to assist the client. They finished a product that presented new features in the company's crypto-asset exchange. As a result, the company now considers their deep involvement as an extension of their own team.
Evgeny Medvedev
Chief Solutions Architect,
See on Clutch
Dysnix has delivered a functional, operational, fail-safe, and reliable Ronin blockchain validator node, thanks to their strong understanding of the client's requirements and policies. They are receptive to client input and feedback and are eager to accommodate requests and changes to the scope.
Alex Gluchowski
CEO, Matter Labs
See on Clutch
Dysnix contributed to the successful release of the company's product. They performed a custom auto-scaling solution to reduce the project's costs. The company now has the opportunity to earn a higher income and at the same time increase its likeability with speed and security as main offers.
Roman Cherednik
CTO, Financial Services Company
See on Clutch
Thanks to the efforts of the Dysnix team, the company was able to attract the attention of the general public. The currency is stable while maintaining the necessary flexibility with the support of experts in the industry. The team has proven itself to be a reliable long-term partner.
Dmytro Haidashenko
CTO, Shelf.Network
See on Clutch
In the first stage of their optimization plan alone, Dysnix managed to reduce infrastructure costs by 25%. They provide remarkable response times, which allows them to react to unforeseen situations. This makes them ideal for handling urgent tasks.
Roman Cherednik
CTO, Financial Services Company
See on Clutch
With Dysnix's relentless support, the company was able to adopt excellent security methods and develop exceptional server architecture. The team is responsible, talented, and diligent. Customers can expect a team who will exhaust all possibilities to achieve their goals.
Daniel Walker
CTO, Whispli
See on Clutch
Dysnix has helped the client in putting together a PoC. The client has around 30 stable and failover production environments and an easy-to-manage IaC. As a result, they are positioned as the only provider in the industry that can support multiple cloud technologies and single tenancy deployments.
Eli Osherovich
CTO & Co-Founder, Wand.AI
See on Clutch
Based on the client's requirements, Dysnix has built and implemented a reliable, flexible, and fail-safe architecture. The product will soon be launched, and the team continues to support and maintain the infrastructure. The communicative team understands the client's needs and meets expectations.
Knuth Rüffer
CEO, Scalors GmbH
See on Clutch
Thanks to Dysnix's efforts, they have built the defined development environments well. As a result, the client is able to expand their team and manage three projects successfully. They have provided solutions for issues effectively and simple answers to all inquiries. They have worked perfectly.
Eugene Fine
CTO, ExplORer Surgical Corp.
See on Clutch
Dysnix has developed a strong collaboration. Their team worked to implement the project and trained the in-house team. The management was very effective and their expertise was great.
Pavel Sher
CEO & Founder, NimbusWeb
See on Clutch
While the work is ongoing, the engagement thus far satisfies the client. The Dysnix team is able to understand and solve complex issues, which allows the company to resolve critical technical problems. They are communicative, trustworthy, and dedicated.
Denys Kravchenko
CTO, AdCel
See on Clutch
Dysinx is a great partner for the marketing technology company. The team is always immediately involved in solving problems. They are very attentive and quick to respond, providing several variants and tools as solutions.
Guy Gani
R&D Director, Techona
See on Clutch
The final solution was a reproducible, secure, and auto-scalable infrastructure for the company's gaming platform. Dysnix accomplished exactly what was required. A skilled team of experts, they functioned as a part of the in-house team and communicated the project's progress consistently.
Erin Driggers
Head of Cloud Engineering, Splice Machine
See on Clutch
The Dysnix did a good job of evaluating the resources they recommended for this engagement. They were knowledgeable, hard-working, skilled, and personable, meeting the client's expectations. Communication between both sides was quite smooth as well.
Eugene Fine
CTO, ExplORer Surgical Corp.
See on Clutch
The members continue to work collaboratively in order to generate a more secure infrastructure that is safer from vulnerabilities. Dysnix offers an utter understanding of the project coupled with impeccable field expertise. The client looks forward to achieving more project goals with them.

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All Your Questions Answered:
Solana Validator Nodes FAQs

What are Solana Validator Nodes?

To understand a Solana validator node, imagine a high-speed train network. Solana Validator Nodes are the conductors, ensuring every transaction (train) arrives safely and on time. They verify transactions, add new blocks to the blockchain (the train tracks), and keep the network running smoothly and securely. Dysnix can offer you Solana validator nodes that are customized according to your requirements.

How do Solana Validator Nodes contribute to the Solana network?

Validator Nodes are the workhorses of Solana's innovative Proof-of-History (PoH) consensus mechanism. They contribute in three key ways:

  • Transaction validation: They meticulously examine each transaction on the network, ensuring its legitimacy and preventing fraudulent activity.
  • Blockchain maintenance: Validators act as digital record keepers, adding verified transactions to new blocks on the Solana blockchain.
  • Network security: By staking a significant amount of SOL, Validators have a vested interest in maintaining a healthy network. Dishonest behavior can lead to penalties that discourage malicious activity.

What is the role of Validator Nodes in Solana's consensus mechanism?

Solana's PoH relies on Validators to create a verifiable record of time for transactions.  This record, like a digital timestamp, helps establish the order in which transactions occurred.  This ensures a secure and efficient consensus process, which is crucial for a high-performance blockchain network.

How can one become a Solana Validator?

Becoming a Solana Validator requires dedication and technical know-how. Here's what it takes:

  • Staking SOL: A substantial amount of SOL, the native token of Solana, needs to be staked as collateral. This staked SOL acts as a security deposit, incentivizing honest participation from Validators.
  • Validator software expertise: Setting up and maintaining specialized validator software requires a solid understanding of its functionalities. (You can rely on us in this sphere if you don’t have such expertise!)
  • Reliable hardware: Running a Validator Node demands high-performance hardware with enough processing power and storage capacity to handle the network load.
  • 24/7 uptime commitment: Validators must ensure their nodes are operational around the clock. This commitment contributes to network stability and smooth operation.

The Validator Nodes deployed by Dysnix meet all the requirements you and the Solana network might have.

What are the requirements to run a Solana Validator Node?

The journey to becoming a Solana Validator requires dedication and technical expertise.  First, significant SOL must be staked as collateral, aligning validator incentives with network security.  Next, in-depth knowledge of the specialized validator software is crucial for proper setup and maintenance.  Reliable hardware with enough processing power and storage is essential to handle the network load.  Finally, validators commit to maintaining 24/7 uptime for their nodes, contributing to the overall stability and smooth operation of the Solana network.

What are the risks associated with running a Solana Validator Node?

While becoming a Validator offers potential rewards, there are also inherent risks:

  • Slashing penalties: Incorrect behavior or excessive downtime can result in the loss of staked SOL as a penalty. This mechanism discourages validators from acting maliciously.
  • Technical challenges: Maintaining validator software, troubleshooting hardware issues, and keeping up with network updates require ongoing technical expertise.
  • Financial investment: The upfront cost of setting up a validator node, including staked SOL, can be significant.

Dysnix can make your rewards worth investments with custom Solana nodes. Contact us for more details.

How are rewards distributed to Solana Validators?

Solana Validators earn income through two main sources:

  • Staking rewards: As previously mentioned, validators receive rewards proportional to the amount of SOL they have staked. This incentivizes validators with a larger stake to contribute to network security and transaction processing.
  • Transaction fees: A portion of the transaction fees collected by the network are distributed to validators as additional income. This further incentivizes validators to participate actively and maintain the smooth operation of the network.

The exact distribution mechanism for transaction fees can vary depending on the specific validator pool or service in which a validator participates. However, the general idea is that fees are distributed proportionally based on a validator's contribution to network tasks, block production, and network uptime.

Can Solana Validators be replaced or removed?

Yes, Solana's validator set is dynamic. Validators with poor performance or those engaging in malicious activity can be voted out of the consensus mechanism by the network. The decision to remove a validator is made through a voting process involving other validators in the Solana network. The voting mechanism considers the severity of the offense and the validator's past performance. This ensures that only reliable and trustworthy validators contribute to network security.

How do Solana Validator Nodes enhance network security?

  • Distributed DDoS nightmare: Solana's validator set is globally distributed, making it nearly impossible for a malicious party to overwhelm the network with traffic.  Imagine trying to DDoS a bunch of scattered fortresses instead of a single castle gate.
  • Skin in the game:  Validators must have some SOL on the line, literally.  Staking a significant amount of SOL acts as a security deposit.  Mess with the network, and you risk getting slashed—losing a chunk of that staked SOL. It's a self-policing system that keeps everyone in line.
  • Byzantine Generals' problem solved (mostly):  Solana's Proof-of-History (PoH) ensures validators agree on the order of transactions, even in less-than-ideal situations. PoH acts like a synchronized clock, keeping everyone on the same page and preventing manipulation.
  • Block production: Validator Nodes are constantly churning out new blocks, creating an ever-growing chain of tamper-proof data. Trying to alter the past becomes a monumental task, like rewriting a history book with millions of copies already distributed worldwide.

Is running a Solana Validator Node profitable?

It's not all sunshine and rainbows. There's technical stuff to deal with, some decent hardware is needed, and it's not a passive income machine. But people nonetheless decide to run Solana Validator Nodes because of:

  • SOL rewards:  Sure, it's not guaranteed, but validating transactions and keeping the network humming nets you SOL tokens. With enough SOL staked, the rewards can be decent.
  • Be a part of the backbone: This blockchain won’t run itself! Validators are the core, the trusted computers that verify transactions and keep the system honest. It's pretty cool to be a key part of that.
  • Decentralization power: The more validators there are, the harder it is for anyone to mess with the network. By running a node, you're helping keep Solana strong and independent, like a distributed democracy.
  • Early adopter advantage: Solana is still growing fast. Being a validator puts you on the ground floor, which could pay off in the long run as the network gets even bigger.

Thus, running a validator node can be a rewarding experience for those who believe in Solana and want to contribute to its future.